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lactation period中文是什么意思

用"lactation period"造句"lactation period"怎么读"lactation period" in a sentence


  • 泌乳期


  • It may occur in the womb , the process of delivery and the post partum lactation period during which the hiv is transmitted to the baby through breastfeeding
  • Women employees enjoy special care during menstruation , pregnancy , childbirth and lactation periods , and child - bearing women employees enjoy a three - month paid maternity leave
  • What is needed is an integrated feeding strategy , starting with the developmental period of the gilt , and continuing throughout each successive gestation and lactation period , which is designed to maintain productivity and prolong the reproductive life of the sow
  • Article 35 the employer is prohibited from assigning child labor to the occupational - disease - inductive operation or assigning the female laborers in pregnancy or lactation period to the operation harmful to the health of the embryos or babies
用"lactation period"造句  


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